How Will Coronavirus Affect Nanny Employers

Every day Little Ones team is closely observing the Corona Virus information at Government Announcements. We will update the facts to our employers and the nannies when the changes happen. We have provided the customer FAQs regarding the coronavirus news and guide them related to nanny employers.

The topics of FAQ includes,

  • Travel queries
  • FAQ regarding Redundancy
  • General Statutory Sick Pay and Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme
  • FAQ of Latest information
Travel Queries

My family and I travelled overseas without the nanny and must now self-isolate upon our return. Can I ask my nanny to reside and self-isolate with us?

 You cannot ask the nanny to reside with them as the nanny did not accompany your trip. So, if you ask the nanny to move in with you, you are knowingly putting their nanny at risk, which can be considered violence against government rules.

When and how can I get a copy of my Covid certificate/vaccination passport?

You can use the NHS website or NHS application to download your covid certificate. First, you have to log in by providing the needed information. After logging in, you can request the Covid Vaccination Passport. NHS will provide a QR Code once you have logged in that has around 28 days of validity. To know more information regarding covid certificates.

What happens when my nanny travels abroad and self-isolate after their return to the UK?

If the nanny has to self-isolate for a few days, they can request additional holiday pay or unpaid absence from their employer.

What will happen if my nanny accompanies us on holiday and we must self-isolate after returning to the UK? Can the nanny reside with us and continue the work?

Yes, if both you and your nanny agree, the nanny can stay with you during the self-isolated period. If the nanny stays with you for a period, this should be included in the documented employment contract. If not, then there is no need for approval as it is a short self-isolated period.


How is redundancy pay decided?

Redundancy pay is assessed based on the age of your nanny, years of service, gross weekly income, or the present legal rate, whatever is more concise. Little Ones Payroll and HR team escorts you in determining the redundancy payment due. The following is the redundancy pay demand:

  • If the employee is below twenty-two of age, then the pay is for a half week.
  • If the employee’s age is between twenty-two and forty-one, then the sum is for one week.
  • If the employee’s age is forty-one and over, then one and half week’s pay renders.

The above resolutions and guidance are for the prevailing pursuits of England solely.

How is my employee suited for redundancy pay?

The nanny is authorized to the redundancy pay if,

  • The nanny’s age should be eighteen or above.
  • The nanny should contribute with an employment contract and PAYE Scheme.
  • The nanny should continuously work for at least two years for the same employer. But, they can get maternity leave, sick pay, etc.

Will the CJRS funding aids meet the redundant compensation if I want to execute my nanny redundantly?

No, you have to gather funds for a redundancy payment. Visit Little Ones Payroll and HR team to understand the complete rule. We will also escort you with the documentation.

What transpires if I bring back my nanny as a part of a manageable furlough system and cannot afford my nanny’s payroll?

Flexible furlough may operate with many nannies. Nevertheless, both redundancy and furlough should be acknowledged. If you are considering making your nanny redundant, then withdraw the furlough option. Our HR team will guide you throughout the method, according to your choice and your nanny’s work experience, contract, etc.

You can make redundancy an option if and only if you don’t require your employee’s assistance anymore. At first, you can consider reducing their working time, days, and any other options to withdraw redundancy. If you decide to dismiss your nanny because of their age, gender, motherhood, marital state, or other factors, then you are violating the law and will face judicial penalties.

If my nanny is on the furlough scheme, then what is the qualified redundancy pay for them?

The UK Government has introduced redundancy pay, notice pay, and allowance to stop illegal resignations by the employer. These schemes guarantee that the employees who furloughed and their employers determine to make them redundant will get their fair payment. So, you should pay your nanny the usual salary rate and not with the lowered furlough pay.

If the nannies have a part-time furlough scheme, then their employer should consider the redundancy. The employers should implement the nannies with coverage even though they have furloughed. This new scheme makes sure of it. If you are determined to make your nanny redundant, then avoid the furlough portal. You can visit GOV.UK portal for specific descriptions.

General Statutory Sick Pay and Coronavirus statutory sick pay Rebate Scheme

What is the definition of a statutory sick pay rebate scheme?

The statutory sick pay rebate scheme helps to cover statutory sick pay. This sick pay scheme starts from the first day of sickness and covers for up to two weeks. The employee’s reasons to get sick pay includes,

  • If the employee has the coronavirus symptoms
  • If the employee is self-isolating as the individuals living with them have coronavirus symptoms
  • The employee has the NHS letter
  • If a GP tells the employee to reside at home for up to twelve weeks


Who is authorized to statutory sick allowance indemnity?

UK Government has announced that the people entitled to statutory sick rebate pay will receive reimbursement. At present, the reimbursement amount is £95.85 per week. It is applicable for people who have coronavirus sickness for fourteen days. This restitution method is for small vocations.

If the sickness is not due to coronavirus, the individuals do not receive any reimbursement from the government and follow the usual rules.

What is the acceptability to deserve sick pay?

If you are an employer, you can use the statutory sick pay if,

  • You have less than 250 employees
  • If your employee is not well due to the coronavirus 

The system is acceptable if the professional contract is,

  • Full-time employees
  • Part-time employees
  • Child-minders
  • Employees with agency contracts
  • Employees with zero-contract
  • Fixed-term employees


Where with the contemporary hebdomadal claimant of the sick pay estimated?

The weekly rate for statutory sickness was £94.25. After April 2020, the weekly rate became £95.85. If you wish, you can pay an additional payment for your employee for the weekly claim rate. You can use our Statutory Sick Pay Calculator to check the claim for your employee.

When am I entitled to claim the new statutory sick pay rebate scheme?

You can claim for the statutory sick pay if,

  • If your employee has coronavirus infected symptoms. These illnesses should happen on or after March 2020.
  • If your employee is self-isolated because of the coronavirus effect from April 2020.


How is statutory sick pay co-related with coronavirus?

If your nanny is sick due to the following reasons and is required to self-isolate by the public health, they are entitled to claim the statutory sick rebate pay. They cover,

  • If the nanny is affected by a coronavirus.
  • If the employee has coronavirus indications.
  • If the doctor of NHS 111 advises your nanny to self-isolate.
  • If the nanny’s family members or those who have resided with them have coronavirus signs.


What should I do if my family members and I ought to self-isolate?

If you and your family members are either affected by coronavirus or have the signs of coronavirus, then you can request your nanny not to visit the workshop for at least fourteen days. But, you should proceed to pay the nanny their general fees without any deduction.

My nanny is pregnant and chooses to self-isolate due to the care of their health condition. What should I do?

If your nanny is pregnant and desires to self-isolate from preventing illness, their holiday is a furlough process.

If they do not want to serve the works for their protection, that leave is acknowledged as a holiday and cannot be claimed. If you need help at hand during your nanny’s isolation period, you can recruit another interim nanny. If you wish, they can update this report in the nanny’s employment contract. Our HR team will guide you throughout the rule.

Prefer to talk to someone?

Speak with an expert today.

How can I become a member of Little Ones Payroll?

We recognise that talking to someone about hiring a nanny, discussing our services, and answering any questions you may have is preferable.

Our helpful staff is accessible Monday through Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 8.30 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Our knowledgeable staff is eager to speak with you about hiring a nanny and to answer any questions you may have about any of our services.

FAQ of Latest Information

How can I verify that my home is Coronavirus-free?

The most recent government guidelines on Covid-19 are available here. If you have more than one employee, you should do a risk assessment to reduce the chance of the virus spreading. The Health and Safety Executive has published a paper outlining the risk assessment.

Can I furlough an employee who has Covid-19 symptoms, has Covid-19, or is isolating themselves?

If your employee is on ill leave or is self-isolating due to a coronavirus, they may be acceptable for Statutory Sick Pay. The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme is not for short-term ailment deficiencies from work.

Short-term infirmity or self-isolation should not analyze whether or not to furlough an employee. Employers have the same benefit as other workers to furlough employees. In such cases, the employee should no longer be eligible for sick allowance and considered furloughed.

Can I request my nanny to submit to regular testing?

While you cannot force an employee to test frequently, you may influence them to do so to preserve a protective, engaged atmosphere. It is unsure that an employee withholding to undergo frequent tests would frame a breach of the contract. Strangely, disciplinary activity such as docking earnings will verify if you are reluctant to allow the person to visit the workplace. The employer converses with the employee to explain the causes behind the denial.

Is it permissible for nannies to work in many residences for several employers?

There are no absolute guidelines on this matter that we are knowledgeable of at the moment. As a result, we can only encourage supporting the Government’s interpretation that people who cannot work from home should resume going to work. Please keep in mind that we are still expecting further instructions from the professionals and will update our FAQs, therefore.